December 6, 2024
OCHOPEE, Fla.—Today two four-year-old female Bengal tigers moved into an upgraded Animal Sanctuary at Wooten’s Everglades Airboat Tours. Ceyla (above) is orange, and Sashana (below) is white, a color rarely seen in the wild.
The tigers, cared for by another sanctuary in the USA since birth, were moved to Wooten’s to avoid overpopulation at their former home. Because Wooten’s is licensed by the USDA and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, its enhanced Animal Sanctuary can be the new home tigers like Ceyla and Sashana need.

The Animal Sanctuary enhancements, which cost over $330 thousand, extend beyond the tiger habitat to other animals and areas. Many plain surfaces and temporary plants have been replaced with permanent, realistically-painted rocks, trees, vines, waterfalls, and other sculpted features designed by a professional animal habitat builder to enhance animal well being while increasing safety and durability.

Wooten’s also commissioned three large murals to celebrate its beloved animals, and upgraded fences to reinforce safety for both animals and guests.

In addition to supporting animals born in captivity by caring for them in its Animal Sanctuary, Wooten’s has added support for wild animals by donating tens of thousands of dollars to the Third Pole Conservancy in Nepal. The conservancy’s efforts include protecting the endangered Snow Leopard population in the Himalayas.